The research project ‘Medieval Urban Literacy’, sponsored by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), has resulted in the publication of New Approaches to Mediëval Urban Literacy, ed. G. Declercq et al. (Brussels, 2013: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten: Contactforum), Writing and the Administration of Mediëval Towns: Mediëval Urban Literacy I, ed. M. Mostert and A. Adamska (Turnhout, 2014: Utrecht Studies in Mediëval Literacy 27) and Uses of the Written Word in Mediëval Towns: Mediëval Urban Literacy II, ed. M. Mostert and A. Adamska (Turnhout, 2014: Utrecht Studies in Mediëval Literacy 28). A provisional synthesis, M. Mostert, Studying Mediëval Urban Literacy: A Provisional State of Affairs (Utrecht, 2013), can be found here: Medieval Urban Literacy.